
A Brief DMNC History

A consolidated effort to protect our neighborhood began during the summer of �98 over the controversy dealing with whether the City would o.k. a plan that Albertson�s had created to move (and expand by 60%) their Davis Manor Shopping Center store to the Oak Tree Plaza�s empty food store site (where the new Nugget store now resides).

During the build-up to a climatic city council vote (which, incidentally denied Albertson�s permission to move & expand), city staff suggested that our neighborhood create a �neighborhood council� that the city would help in various ways. Other municipalities had apparently succeeded in creating such organizations, and it seemed like a good way to further mutually-agreed upon goals for the neighborhood.

In 1999, a Davis Manor Neighborhood Council Steering Committee was formed and meetings held at the Chestnut Park Roundhouse. Over the next 2 years the Steering Committee struggled with drafting a set of by-laws and another 2 years elapsed before neighborhood-wide approval in February of 2003.

Neighborhood volunteers have placed tiles near storm drains to protect against water pollution, adopted the N Street Mini-park path to nurture a drought-tolerant chemical-free landscape, worked with the City to have a traffic circle placed at the intersection of �M� and Colgate streets, coordinated a Tree Davis street tree planting, and met with the City�s Economic Development Coordinator to ensure shopping center viability. Among projects and issues continunally monitored by the DMNC Board are: traffic calming measures and other public safety concerns, the health and viability of the neighborhood shopping center and outreach to new neighbors.

Written by Craig Blomberg
September 2005
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