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Poems and Thoughts    by Frank Maurer

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A Mammalian (Human) Territorial Flaw.

Most living creatures, in order to eat well and breed successfully,
Need space, territory, habitat, feeding ground, display area. . . . .
Humans have gone several steps beyond all this.
Not only do they need area for resource production, living space and so,
But they delve in another mind dimension--that of the holy and revered spaces.
These are territories which, as abstract as they are,
Are to be claimed, maintained, and defended as fiercely as if they were wheat fields,
Without vital seed to eat, but places where one meets a Chosen Entity.
And more, if that space is desired by others,
There is no thought, but to hold and defend it unto death.
A 'simple' mammalian (in our case) functional behaviour to survive has super evolved
Into an abstract set of emotions which continually divide our human world.
If we could only see through this behaviour--completely--
More gentleness and understanding and compromise would prevail !

Frank Maurer 21 April 2024 1840 Hours.

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