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Poems and Thoughts    by Frank Maurer

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The Abortion Argument.

Because of the power of European governmental religious groups,
Our Constitution made it clear that religion and government were separate.
Along with that, religious freedom was guaranteed for the new citizens.

Today the picture is changing with religion encroaching evermore into our government.
A major division division is the abortion argument.
One side argues that the future unborn 'child' must never be aborted,
While the other pleads that the future mother has rights over her own body and health.
Is there any way there might be a compromise between these opposing views
Both, living in this country and nation, following our Constitution?

Perhaps, if these groups agree that they should follow our law of the Land,
Then either side, having the right to freedom of individual expression,
Must live freely together, interacting in peace
And use only the logic of their beliefs to persuade the other
That all must compromise, thus acting justly under the original law.

1. We have the separation of religion and government.
2. We have freedom of religion.
3. We have freedom of speech.

If these were followed, could our nation not evolve peaceably
Towards a synergy of mutual coexistence,
As the Founders had originally intended?

Frank Maurer 4 February 2924 1230 Hours.

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