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Poems and Thoughts    by Frank Maurer

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Aggression and Love.

Love of country.
    Love of Another.
      Love of property.
        Love of possessions.
          Love of a food.
        Love of a sports team.
      Love of a political party.
    Love of a religion.
Love of freedom.
Love of all these things gives one meaning
And a sense of belonging.
But when events are challenged and go awry,
Everything of Love might bring out
The strong human feelings of conflict and then aggression--
Another human emotion which often
Wells up in resulting human behavior:
We mirror the schizophrenic ups and downs of chimpanzees
When we might have evolutionarily followed the peaceful,
Loving interactions of the Bonobos, the Lesser Chimp!

Will we always be destined for an aggressive existence,
Or follow the better supplications for a loving reality?

Frank Maurer 12 December 2021.

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