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Poems and Thoughts    by Frank Maurer

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Jessie Soto.

Jessie came into my life from a 'Neighbors' ad,
Written by Paul to give me a boost to find some help.
I have worked with many on my farm--mostly students,
But Jessie, a 54 year old Postal Worker,
Looking for extra employment,
Came, saying he wanted work
And had some pastoral (as well as postal !) experience.
Well, 'Let's give it a try and see where we go'.

Is it possible that one could have found such a treasure?
He arrives early, works seamlessly, and leaves with a smile.
Will my bubble burst? Is he really as genuine
As I have always tried to be my entire life?
Jessie, I am pleased and will endeavour to keep this dream going.

Frank Mauer 27 July 2023 2145 Hours.

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