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Poems and Thoughts    by Frank Maurer

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Road Traffic Influence on Bird Wing Length.

How on earth can road traffic influence the process of evolution??
Cliff swallows fly in groups, often along highways
Near bridges under which they nest.
Those birds with slightly longer wings
Are less able to outmaneuver quick moving vehicles,
And are often eliminated from the breeding population.
Those birds with shorter wings
Are able to swerve more quickly, avoiding potential death.

Now, to further reiterate on the fact of wing length:
Albatross with long wings rarely touch ground,
Gliding slowly in one direction,
While hummingbirds possessing short, fast moving wings
Are able to instantly maneuver in all directions.
This, an evolutionary lesson caused by human-created road traffic!
Life morphology is influenced for survival--
Even from a rushing metal gas guzzler!

Frank Maurer 28 September 2023 0835 Hours.

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